Friday, October 10, 2008

For my patiently-waiting fans

There's something to be said about not saying anything. Silence used to make me so uncomfortable. But I am learning that I am more apt to save myself from an apology, or to actually process what the heck is going if I just listen and shut up!

Also, my wonderful amazing friend is in town, and I am realizing how stinkin' spoiled I am in this department. Got some pretty cool peeps in my little life. That in itself attests to a God who is involved in this thing called life.

I will also take a moment to let you know that not only did I get my drummer, but a new band member altogether. Very nice, very nice.


Rachel said...

oh my goodness.!. you have a blog. YAY. oh, ha. this is rachel. If you don't remember me, i'm the girl from Lori's church who flew off the tube into the tree. and then was in the hospital twice in one weekend. i still have that tylenol that you and Lori brought the day after. Alright, ha this comment is more like an email. but anyways. so excited about your blog.

Shawna said...

"Lapenta-costal" like that one! :) So how is my "cool girl" friend doing? I love you and I'm sorry I'm not a better friend...i'm SOOO bad at keeping in just gets SO busy..i's not an excuse. But anyways..i love you MA!!!!